Sunday, December 28, 2008

My confession

This is my confession: I have become a little obsessed with shopping these days. It's funny, the economy is going under and all I can think is "YAY!!! CRAZY DISCOUNTS AT MY FAVORITE STORES!" 

Okay, so it wasn't the only thing that I was thinking but if your mouth salivated at those 50%-70% discount signs too... we are in the same boat. Looking at the savings at the bottom of my recipt gave me some vindication while rapidly shopping around Lynnhaven Mall on those days before and after Xmas.  Oh YEAH!

Even my mother got in on it too, she bought a large amount of clothing for under $40. She was loving it! As I sit here typing, I can't help but allow my mind to wander to that pair of fabulous shoes that I didn't buy at Payless (that only cost $9 and I would probably would wear 4 times). 

I think that I have a compulsion: I need it! I want it! I GOT TO HAVE IT! 

Actually, do I really need that pair of shoes? I have a room full of clothing that hasn't been touched and needs to be laundered (but that's due to my own laziness and not give-a-shit-ness). I wonder about how I am a needless consumer. I buy things that I think I NEED and then don't use them.

I often think about the countless amounts of money that I can save (I need it for college stuff) if I just spend on the things that I actually need. If I didn't go out to eat so much, or buy an enormous amount of clothes at every chance I get. (Wow, I don't spend my money on anything else; I just do both ALOT)

Where am I going with this drabble at 11:25pm?

Oh yeah, I - along with a lot of people - spend money on shit we don't need. During a time of economic need and environmental duty ( I don't feel like going into this- just watch 'The Happening' or 'The Day the Earth Stood Still' ), I should try to live a miniumlist lifestyle. Buy, use and spend on what I really need. 

It would save me a lot, however, what would I do with all this money that I will have left over? 

Friday, December 19, 2008

The Vagina: A Website in the Making

I have been talking about making a website devoted to the vagina for some time now.

I know that wanting to do something like that makes people believe that I am a weird person. As always, however, I have found that people just need to hear me out before they continue believing that I am some crazy person persuing a college degree (well, I am but whatev.).

I believe that knowing about the vagina is important, to males and females. The vagina is thought of as this disgusting thing that many females do not want to know about or even look at. This aspect of life is wierd to me because all around us, the male reproductive organ is alluded to or talked about in many different ways! Females do not like to talk about their vagina, however, it seems like that it is a secret club that all heterosexual males want to get into.

Did you know that women are more vulnerable to STIs/STDs than males are? Medically, this is because the vagina is an internal organ (the external part is called the vulva) where germs can grow and reproduce, thus causing harm to a female's reproductive system. Socially, I believe we should be looking at the fact that many females are afraid of their vaginas. Many do not want to get yearly Pap smears because they believe that the experinence will be invasive and just plain gross. Others are just not aware of this fact and believe that they will be ok as long as they just "keep their legs closed." What about Bacterial Vaginosis (a common reason for low birth weight), cervical cancer (it can happen to everyone!), and the regular yeast infection?

I wonder if many female consumers know that the douch is just plain bad for the vagina.

As women, I feel that we need to be informed about this essential part of our bodies! We bleed from it every month! Children are supposed to be born from it! AND we are supposed to tend to it, make it pretty and dainty for all the men who get to see it. (that was sarcasm)

That was all.

P.S.- Please read the Vagina Monolouges! The book that started my need to know about the vagina!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Interesting win Manny Pacquiao

Recently, Manny Pacquiao beat Oscar De La Hoya in a boxing match. I know about this not because I am a boxing fan but because that Manny Pacquiao is Filipino. Since I am a Filipina and Caucasian American, I was informed through text message.

I'm glad that he won and I am glad that the Filipino community is taking pride, however, I can't help but wonder..... do white people ever receive news when another white person wins a title in Sports?

There is no big 'race' celebration when the majority wins something, atleast I don't see it. Can you imagine if there was? If it was said that "white" Tom Brady was awarded MVP at the last superbowl.

How would the masses react?
Would non-football fans have to care?

Why should race be that much of an issue?


Friday, December 5, 2008

Hell Week: Dec. 1- Dec. 5

I don't know if you can tell from the tone of my last post but this week has been pure hell. Here is my assignment countdown:
Monday: Test (82% :-( ) ; Presentation due (not exactly finished, present on Friday.)
Tuesday: Work, mom's birthday (didn't call her until 6p), and I gave up on school (this only lasted from 730p until 9a the next morning)
Wednesday: Paper due (Extension), Preparing for Research Day Thursday (a lot to do), still going over the Presentation, running on two hours of sleep, drama-drama-drama-drama
Thursday: Research Day, paper due Friday, Class Leading , class until 713p, shower, reading and then pass out randomly at 10:30p
Friday: woke up at 4a, tried to sleep til 6a, Presentation (12p), Paper not started (due today), Exams next week(one take home, one on Friday).

It doesn't look like a lot but factor in work, being sick and stressed and it has been a FUN WEEK!



Monday, December 1, 2008

"... it looks like somebody has a case of the Mondays."

Mark it. Monday, December 1, 2008 has to be one of the worst days in my academic career. Me thinks that this day is my punishment for enjoying a break from life on Wednesday and Thanksgiving and shopping endlessly on Black Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

My motives for not doing my work were clear: who in their right mind does homework assignments during Fall Break?

I am now realizing that for me to have the right to ask that question, I should finished assignments that are of great importance for my grades PLUS checked to see if I had any great assignments due when I got back from break, on this terrible Monday!

My real question should have been: Who in their right mind doesn't space out their work and give themselves ample time to complete a very important project?

My Monday's woes stem from this:
I found out at 1230a that I had a test today! (one I should be studying for... its in 30 minutes!)
I didn't go to bed until 2am because I was working with the rest of my group on a project for my Sociology of Women's course.

Thank goodness for friends who have meal plans here on campus, or I would have been a hungry, bumbling wreck.

Did I mention that I have two presentations on Thursday for my other two courses?

Urk. Help! Quick! and bring Liquor.
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