Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fear and Insanity

Who went to the Colbert and Stewart rally?

This girl.

Who didn't get to hear anything they said?

This girl

Who spent $13 on food that would have cost $5 on a regular Saturday?

This girl

Who had an awesome time and took pictures with people dressed in ridiculous costumes?

It was ME!

                                                               The Metro was crowded!

                                                                      Hear that MOTHER?!

                                                      I just LOVE the Washington Monument!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

sara bareilles, get out of my mind.

I can't get over this song. I heard it 2 days ago and it felt autobiographical, saying words I have been thinking for the past couple of years. Mind you, this is one part of the failed relationship where I put an equal amount of blame on myself for allowing this unhealthy aspect to continue. For some reason, hearing those words allowed me to feel care for, however, it did not keep the back of my mind stringing together angry thoughts that sounded much like the lyrics of this song.

p.s. my period is back. i guess with no reason other than blah, blah, blah to take birth control I forget, which then causes my period. Ugh. I am so bloated that if you put me into water, I'd come out floating without even trying.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Towards Letting Go: Realizing its Not My Fault.

He said to me once, that I make men seem like assholes when they hurt my feelings.


THE DIFFERENCE between  him and the other guys is that three months later, I don't think they are still assholes.

(yes, this is me STILL thinking he's an asshole.)

and I sorta hate him.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Oh world. Oh Dear World.

There are days when I wish that the world would just move in my favor. Eck,

OR maybe I need to find men without ex-girlfriend problems or reject the ones with ex-girlfriend problems.

Ugh, effing idiots tend to rotate around me and I tend to find myself heavily attracted to them.

I don't know why.

But I will not cry.


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Spending a day with a crazy pup

This is Felix. 
Felix is my friends' dog that I volunteered to take care of while my friends were at an amusement park all day. (yes, I was invited to go with. no, i couldn't afford the visit to the amusement park.)
If Felix was a human, he'd be a 9 year old with ADHD. I swear it. 
Felix had the nastiest poop today due to consuming chocolate chip oatmeal cookies last night. It was sooooooo gross. I wanted to vomit. 
Felix barks at everything, everyone walking by and the dogs on the TV. 
He likes to sniff your privates and butt at any given moment. It's highly uncomfortable. 

...... you see that face, right? Its so hard to stay mad at a face like that. 
Felix likes to lick the crap out of your face, just because you taste good and on some level he knows you like it! 

Friday, October 8, 2010

Freudian Slip: Grocery Store

Check-Out Guy: How are you doing today mam? 

Me: You know, the usual; tired, cranky, hore-hungry. 

I'll let you guess what the I was beginning to say, a word that starts with "hore." 

Thursday, October 7, 2010

After This, I'm going to make speghetti

I'm literally typing naked, covered by a blanket and in my living room. Any second my roommate could potentially walk in on me in this state and I couldn't care less. I feel beautiful and splendid. I have no idea how that happened, many years ago the thought of someone catching me in a naked state would have mortified me. Which is pretty ironic because many years ago, I was ten pounds lighter than I am now and so super conscious about my body. I don't think my new confidence came from a man or that man (you remember, the one I have been ranting about for the last couple of months) but with age and the knowledge that I have a great body. Mind you, all the squishy and cellulite I could do without but I have yet to meet any fitness enthusiast who can boast more body love than me.

I could work out more. :-)

Welcome all to my first happy post in a long time.
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