Thursday, December 31, 2009

Nunnery Names and so long 2010

I'm in a funk right now BUT 2009 has been a great year! I've grown vastly this year, although it might not seem like it. I feel that I am a better person than I was in 2008 and I hope that it shows in the way that I carry myself. I hope 2010 becomes another year of personal triumph.

Instead of New Years Resolutions that I never keep, I will be sharing a list of hopes for my family:

1. I hope that my family's financial situation becomes better.
2. I hope that my cousin becomes an independent adult and learns to become self-sufficient.
3. I hope that my other cousin achieves her goals in life!
4. I hope that my brother and father's relationship improves. (however, I am glad that my brother finally realizes that my father isn't perfect)
5. I hope my step-mother jumps off the face of the earth.
6. I hope that my mother finds my birth certificate and helps me renew my passport. (ok, that one was for me)
7. I hope that my youngest cousin keeps showing improvement in his special education courses!
8. I hope my brother gets a second major in Economics, for no other reason than he would be amazing at it. He has a business centric mind.
9. I hope my mom realizes that she has a problem and stop.
10. ditto for my step-father.
11. ditto for my father.
12. I hope that my aunt realizes that she isn't fat but beautiful and learns to eat for health instead of beauty.
13. I hope my brother proposes to his girlfriend at some point of their relationship. (if he read that, he would kill me)
14. I hope my long time roommate figures out exactly what she wants to do with her life.
15. I hope my other roommate achieves what he wants to do.
16. I hope that a former roommate has a better year in 2010 and finds happiness, including a man who wants to marry her.
17. I hope that my friend comes back into my life.
18. I hope that all of my friends' babies are born healthy and happy!
19. I hope my hamsters live a long life and that they are as sweet as they are now!
20. Lastly, (this one is for me) I hope that I finally become self-sufficient yet allow others in.

Happy new years everyone!
Good bye 2009!  


On a separate note, I'm thinking about forming my own nunnery with one follower: Me. 

I say my own because I'm not big on Catholicism, however, do not mind living a life of chastity, with Jesus as my husband.  

In that case, I have thought of three names for joining the nunnery; they are: 

a. Sister Mary Donovan
b. Sister Mary Marley
c. Sister Mary Demetra [after my favorite yacht club kid!) 

Any comments, questions or suggestions? 

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Does anyone have a time machine? Or a fast moving Delorian?!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

It wasn't really that bad

Remember the gloomy mood I was in when I posted my last blog?

Well, I do.

I expected this holiday season to suck. That I was going to be a grumpy-gus and no one was going to want to be around me.

Well, life has a way of showing you up.

While my behavior on Christmas Eve could have been a pre-cursor to how I was going to spend the holiday weekend, it wasn't. Thanks to my (wonderful) family. As I had mentioned previously, Christmas was not flashy this year. We did not have a Christmas tree this year, my step-father chalked it up to us "kids" not being young anymore. (eeesh) The presents, while mediocre, where heart felt. I guess that is what one should expect during a recession. I did, however, receive a beautiful leather journal. I do not know how my cousins could have known that I wanted one but I did. (You know, because keeping a blog isn't enough of an outlet for my writing!) I'm honestly looking forward to writing in it, filling it up with my personal thoughts. Lame, yet true.

I thought that my Christmas weekend would have turned into a drag because of previous episodes, however, while my mood was gloomy; Christmas was more exciting than ever.

To start out the holiday, my mom starting cooking on Xmas Eve and did not stop for three days straight, and I ate for three days straight.

Seriously, it felt as if my underwear was cutting off my blood flow. Besides, it is impossible to be unhappy around all my favorite food and a wacky family.

Christmas day, was just for my family; for the first time in a long time. There were no obnoxious friends or my aunt's needy boyfriend, it was just the 8 of us. (well, minus a cousin at x-mas eve dinner and another one at x-mas dinner) It was even okay to just lay around and allow the fat from the food to travel from my mouth to my stomach, never taking a much needed detour to my breasts.

The day after Christmas was exciting as well. My brother and I decided to treat our mother to a movie, comedy "It's Complicated." My aunt and cousin went along for the ride. Besides my younger cousin's cranky attitude, the day proved to be funny, exciting and heat felt. (The movie proved to be just okay)

I remember sitting through the film, looking at my family and thinking: wow, this is the best day ever.

Then we ate again.


I do not think I have ate this much or slept this much in a very long time.

So my message is this, when ever you get into a fight with someone plan it around a time that you can be with your closest people; it doesn't have to be your family. Just allow their warmth and love to be absorbed by your soul because it helps fight off the pain your heat feels. (I hope that last sentence makes sense!)

While it doesn't solve everything, knowing that other people care for you makes the pain easier to endure.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas is going to suck this year

It's Christmas Eve 2009 and from the looks of things, Christmas is not going to be as great as it usually is.
For starters, one of my friendships are broken.
Secondly, there is no Christmas tree in my home this year.
Thirdly, No traditional Christmas either. There is no money to do so.
Fourthly, I don't think anybody is in the Christmas cheer- what with school and work sending everyone in different directions.

I do like to tell you about the presents that life has given me, the ones that I do enjoy every day, instead of regular Christmas presents:

- I have a friend who will ruin a night with a boyfriend to come "scoop" me up instead of spending the time alone.
- I have another friend who will send me titles of songs to help put me in a "fuck em all" mood.
- I met a boy last night who was the cutest thing, followed me around the house and tried everything he could to lift my spirits. He had blond hair and brown eyes, so loveable; too bad he was a dog.
- A mother who screams and shouts when I arrive home because she's so glad to have me home for Christmas; even though she saw me last week.
-Hospitality of people I don't know, who allow me to sleep in beds alone.
- I also have my health, a home and food on the table to be thankful for. It might not seem like much but plenty people in the USA and all around the world can't say the same thing.

I'm trying to have one of these (: instead of these ): .

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

On the third day of christmas, what did Beth give to me?

It's three days until Christmas and the wonders of being in college has given me little time to prepare! I am also so out of touch with home life that I wouldn't know what to buy everyone.

Except my mom, she only wants a candle.

I wonder if everyone else is soooooo easy.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

April 16, 2007

There is a reason why I don't eat at a certain eatery at my school. On April 16, 2007, I stood in line for the first and last time at this place, hoping to order a decent sandwich when I noticed the news. CNN was reporting a double homicide at Virginia Tech, the school that my little brother attends and was currently in his freshman year; being the big sister that I am, I called to check on him. He was doing fine and I let him know that I loved him. I then ate my sandwich and was quickly invited on an hour long search for a rental that my friends and I could live in the following year. During this time, I started getting text messages and phone calls from my friends asking about my brother, wondering if he was okay. I brushed it off and told them he was fine, and that it wasn't too serious.

It wasn't until I returned home and saw my yahoo homepage that I finally saw the damage. At that point, it was about 50 students/professors who were shot- the number of dead and injured was undetermined. I remember freaking out and calling my brother.

No answer.

I felt my heart sink into my chest.
For the 45 seconds it took me to rationalize that he could be talking to my mother, I couldn't breath and it felt as if my heart had stopped beating.
I remember thinking,  No, its not time for me to say goodbye to my baby brother. It can't be.

I called him again.

He picked up, he told me that a friend was unaccounted for and that they were staying put; friends hiding out in a single dorm room. My little brother seemed so out of it, it had to be so surreal for him. Surprisingly, he was calm; I know now that the intensity of the situation hadn't become real for him yet.

I don't think I have ever felt so guilty for being so relieved in my life. There were other older siblings trying, and failing to get in touch with their siblings; some reaching theirs later, others being reunited in a hospital room and sadly, the few who would have to find out that their brother or sister had been killed.

 I told him that I loved him and that was all we could say until the cell phone connection came back up.

Hours later, it would be announced that his friend had passed. That was the first time he allowed himself to feel emotion. He sounded so sad, weak and not in tune with reality. All I wanted to do was be there for him when he relayed the details of his friend's death.

To this day, my brother doesn't talk about the events at Virginia Tech,  read any of the news about the events, or follows the ensuing trials. He did go to his friend's funeral in Northern Virginia. Being the humble person he is, he wouldn't come home until my mom finally begged him to. Thankfully, he wasn't in Norris Hall during the shooting but had been in his dorm room with his friends when they heard the news.

In the weeks following, I couldn't help but remember how I felt when my brother finally left for college. It wasn't like when I left for school, going only 45 minutes away from home and adjusting quickly. My baby brother moved 8 hours away from home and had a hard time adjusting to his new environment. When April rolled around, he had finally became adjusted to his new school and made real friends.

 Then this happened.

On the shootings anniversary, I can't help but try to put myself in his position.Wondering and hoping that this shooter had been caught; scared for my life and the life of my friends. Thinking the inevitable question of "Why did this happened?" and finally, the sadness his heart felt when reality came crashing down after being told that his friend had been killed.

I can't and wouldn't want to.

But if I had a choice, to take all that pain away from my brother and to go through it all instead of him, I would.

I love him that much.

(This is the friend my brother lost that day: Reema Samaha)


I just finished watching Inglourious Bastards & all I have to say is: really Mr. Tarantino, that's all you've got?

I was 

With all the talent running around on screen, that's exactly what you want to screen write and produce after 10 years of planning? You could have done better birthday buddy. That's all I'm saying.  I know, I know: it's not like I could have done anything better.

It wasn't that bad, just not what I was expecting from all that hype.



One time a friend and I had a discussion about the power of love, my stance what that 'love' isn't everything- that people need more in order to sustain a healthy relationship (whether romantic, familial, or friendly).

My defense: "What's Love Got to Do with It?" by Tina Turner
& then
He responded with: "All You Need is Love" by The Beatles (?)

I shut up and let him win.
       Seriously, who want's to be the one who ruins someones perfect optimism; especially when it comes to the concept of love

Not me, that's who.

Friday, December 18, 2009

It's 3 AM again

I read an article that said that if a person is having trouble sleeping, they should actually try sleeping; instead of doing things like playing on the computer, eating or watching t.v.

Eh, What do article really know?

Off to bed. 

In other news: I did what I had to today and I didn't die. It wasn't even that hard, more of a passing in the wind.  I did, however, cried a little while making the decision; enough to make the sales lady at the university bookstore offer me chocolate, her treat.
Ode to being extra emotional!
Praise to those who can't stand crying people.
And above all: Yay to LIFE!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

What to do?

At this moment, I am "caught between a rock and a hard place." It's left me tireless and oddly, wanting sweet tea. It's at times like these I am glad that I have faith in a higher power and believe in prayer; even if there is anything that I can not do about a certain situation, hashing it out with "man upstairs" makes me calmer.

[The above statement makes me feel smug. I am okay with this.]

Tonight, I am asking God to giving me the strength to decide the proper solution to a difficult problem. At this moment, as I type and ponder, I am reminded of the lyrics to a song I have had stuck in my head for a couple of days:

"you can't always get what you want.... but if you try sometimes, you get what you need"

How is that for divine intervention?

Sunday, December 13, 2009

last year

At the same time, last year, I hated myself and the life that I led. All my mistakes and bad decisions seemed to have drowned me in sorrow. I don't know if you knew it from looking at me but I felt so lost, so alone and so vulnerable. I was an empty shell with a disconnected soul, moving through life with no joy or motivation. The part that I hated the most was the fact that I didn't feel that anything was wrong in my life.

On the contrary, I felt so blessed. My friends and family are strange people but I love them so and they love me. I was healthy, provided for, and smart... all the making for a happy and well-adjusted person.

It was the past, however, that kept me from enjoying life. The path that I chose was damaging and unconventional but mine, none the less. Something that I needed to heal from, to learn from the mistakes of mine and the damages that was placed upon me.
I was so sad last year. 
It's funny what a year does to a person.

I would love to call myself a different person but its not true, I'm the same Liz. Just happier and healthier, still evolving into someone better, prouder and wiser.Still healing and seeking help.

The difference is that I enjoy every minute of everyday now.

This is not to say that I never get sad or angry or discouraged. I wouldn't want to talk too soon.

I'm just not drowning  in the deep sorrow I put myself in, anymore.
I don't hate myself, either.

I've accepted "the things I cannot change," have " the courage to change the things I can " and "the wisdom to know the difference."  

Was this blog lame?
(Should I go teach in South Korea? Questions,Questions)

Feburary 11, 2010

Taylor Lautner needs to hurry up and turn 18, so all the impure thoughts about him will no longer be illegal.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

I'll never get used to this

I will always and forever be in second or last place.

It will never matter if I am prettier, younger, more outgoing or have a better overall personality than another person.

For one reason or another, I will always lose.

I wish I didn't see life as a competition but I do and I probably always will.
Damn that low self-esteem of mine!

Even tonight, it was supposed to be my night of self-loathing and belligerent drinking. But I got beat.

 A friend of mine had to just sweep in with more self-loathing, self-hatred, personal issues and lower tolerance. He got drunk and is passed out cold. I'm stone cold sober.

Yay to my life.

The strives of being a Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrllllll

I love being a girl/woman/female. I love,love it. I may complain about the cramps, bloating, breast soreness, and other disadvantages but it's what makes me a girl/woman/female; I'm okay with it all because I always make well with the hands I get dealt in life.

There are things, however, that I can do without; like for example, the "flash" period. I.e.: I haven't had my period for almost 2 days when it appeared out of know where.

Confused? Here is the explanation:

Last night,  my underwear miraculously gets stained by fresh period blood from my very own vagina. By miraculously, I mean that my period just happen out of no where. That was not supposed to have happen! I can not tell you how unbelievably uncomfortable this makes me feel. And embarrassing, seeing how I had witnesses to this fiasco.

What does this mean? 
I think its due to stress.
But what do I know? 
I am not a doctor.
Even though this is my body and I should know everything else about it.

Oh! I forgot the best part of this story! So I put a pad on last night and surprise,surprise there is no more period blood to be found.

Oh how I love the wonders of the female body.

Thank you Mother Nature for ruining, what could have been, a nice night.

P.S. If this entry is deemed to gruesome or disgusting to read, then go find yourself another blog to read because this one is mine.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I had a snowball conversation yesterday. 

What is a snowball conversation? Well, I'll tell you. 

It's when a completing random conversation stems from a completely different topic. For example, the conversation started like this: 

(guy):Did you see "New Moon"?"
(me): hell yeah. Taylor Lautner is so hot.
(guy): He's dating Taylor Swift, you know.
(me):* Eh, we'll have a threesome. I don't care.
(guy): See, I couldn't have a threesome with those two; Taylor Lautner is too buff.... [conversation goes on about Taylor Lautner and how is body is builty and how if this dude was gay he would like him too. I <3 my friends]

The majority of our conversation was about threesomes. It was pretty hilarious, not at all serious AND not sexual.  No, not the underlying culture movement or anything socially progressive like that. But the benefits and tribulations of the many questions that may go into the planning of a threesome. For example: 

- If a couple was inviting another person into a threesome, would it be better to be friends with said person?
 (guy) Yes, because it would be easier to get into the grove of things [ie. have sex, he claims it would be harder to do so with a stranger].
 (me) No, for two reasons [1] alcohol would ease the uncomfortable-ness and [2] what if the joined person is a friend and they start a secret relationship with one of the people; you can write a stranger out of your life the next day

-Which is better? Two guys and a girl, or two girls, one guy?
Agree, oddly enough but for different reasons
(guy) It would be too much, plus he would "destroy all of the work I did down there"[i'll leave that explanation to the imagination]
(me) the threesome thing does not interest me, however, two guys would end up being too aggressive- I think.

-Why females do not want to have a threesome.
Agree, for the same reasons
(guy) I think she would get jealous if the girl get's better than her. [He said that getting a girl that looked like his girl friend would be dumb because what's the point? The idea is to have sex with two separate woman, not the same one]
(me) I'm too jealous of a person, she might look better than me or have aspects of her body that he likes more. Plus what if he does something to her that he didn't with me?

-Could one enter a couple's bedroom (ie. have a threesome with a couple)
(guy) Eh. I'm in a relationship but if I was single, hell yeah.
(me) No. what if she get's jealous and they start to ignore me? What's the point?

then it went on and on. hahahaha

I'm hoping that the conversation is less boring to the outside world because it was hilarious to me. While wanting or having a threesome may have some deep implications, the fact remains that it is a topic that can inspire insight or hilarious conversations. 

* (Taylor Swift has nothing on my love for Taylor Lautner) 

Thursday, December 3, 2009


I'm going to apply for a job that I shouldn't just because I'm curious to know if I'll get it.

That is all.
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